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Großartige tragikomische Zirkuskunst Wie keine andere Compagnie verkörpert Circus Ronaldo die Flämische Zirkuskunst. Die Wurzeln des Circus Ronaldo reichen weit zurück in die Vergangenheit. Nun stehen mit Danny und Pepijn Ronaldo die sechste und siebte Generation gemeinsam auf der Bühne. Zusammen durch die gemeinsame Leidenschaft für Musik und Zirkustricks bauen sie eine Brücke zwischen Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschieden. Ein Versuch der Versöhnung, zwischen Vater und Sohn, zwischen Künstler und Publikum, zwischen vergangenem Ruhm und neuen Chancen. Nachdem Danny Ronaldo vor drei Jahren in Fidelis Fortibus noch seine Zirkusfamilie begraben hat, erinnert er jetzt daran, wie wichtig es ist, rechtzeitig an die nächste Generation zu übergeben. ca. 60 Minuten, ab 12 Jahren ___ EN Circus Ronaldo has been working in the national and international circus landscape for more than forty years. Circus Ronaldo promotes the Flemish circus art in Europe and beyond. Their performances are constantly looking for powerful formulas, captivating theatre, original combinations and themes that activate the emotions that are most needed at that moment. A quest for reconciliation, between father and son, between performer and audience, between former glory and fresh opportunities. Danny and Pepijn Ronaldo, father and son, together on stage. United by a shared passion for music and tricks, they build a bridge between similarities and differences. The father seems entrenched in his past, desperately searching for an age-old but faded feeling of ecstasy. The son seeks to reconcile the old circus created by his father with the world beyond. The roots of Circus Ronaldo stretch far back into the past, with Danny and Pepijn as the sixth and seventh generations. With seven being a sacred number, they now pay tribute to this past: ‘Sono io?’ (‘Is that me?).  “It is about two people who look at each other and support each other, but in doing so, they also undermine each other. The father creates a shadow for his son, without wanting to, because he is so proud of him and wants to show him off so much. But he himself is so keen to be in the spotlight.” – Danny Ronaldo  Kreation & Spiel: Danny & Pepijn Ronaldo Koproduktion: Théatre Firmin Gémier / La Piscine – Pôle national des arts du cirque (Châtenay-Malabry), Theater op de Markt – Dommelhof (Pelt), Miramiro (Ghent) Unterstützt durch: Cultuurhuis de Warande (Turnhout), GC ‘t Blikveld Bonheiden and the Flemish Community 


Alter Schlachthof 35, 76131 Karlsruhe, Deutschland


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