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UNLEARN PATRIARCHY - Buchpremiere - Literatur LIVE

Mit den Herausgeberinnen Lisa Jaspers, Naomi Ryland und einigen der Autor*innen: Kristina Lunz, Teresa Bücker, Emilia Roig, Kenza Ait Si Abbou, Linus Giese, Margret Rasfeld, Lena Marbacher, Laura Gelhaar, Olaolu Fajembola.


Karl-Marx-Straße 141, 12043 Berlin, Deutschland


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Source: reservix.de
To create the 3D effect: keep your head upright, and look at your nose tip. You need to catch the degree of the eyes crossing where the little white angels at the top coincide and the combined image takes on depth and sharpness - and maintain it.

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